Montgomery County SPCA

The Montgomery County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is a nonprofit organization dedicated to animal protection and caring for abandoned, unwanted, lost and abused domestic animals. Established in 1909 and chartered in 1916, the MCSPCA boasts three locations across Montgomery County, PA, located in Abington, Conshohocken, and Perkiomenville.
Constructed in 1997, our Abington facility located in Abington Township is the newest and smallest location in our agency network. Small animals, cats, and dogs are routinely available for adoption through this location. *Please note, the Abington facility will be closed until further notice.*
Our Conshohocken facility located in Whitemarsh Township houses the largest animal population of our three facilities with two separate dog kennel housing units and a catary for our feline and small animal population, along with several isolation areas. In addition, it is home to the organization's Executive Offices and also has a separate building that contains a surgical suite with recovery and treatment rooms.
The Perkiomenville facility is set on a picturesque 60+ acre farm located in Upper Frederick Township with a historic bank barn that offers refuge to abused and neglected livestock. The bright and airy shelter has a large dog kennel housing unit, a catary, multiple isolation areas, and an in-house surgical suite with a recovery area.
Since the time of inception over 100 years ago, the MCSPCA has remained an open-admission facility dedicated to offering animals within our community a place of safety and shelter when needed. We have remained true to our mission of investigating and prosecuting animal cruelty and providing educational community outreach in an effort to end the unnecessary suffering and neglect. The MCSPCA is currently in the process of transition and will continue to make changes needed as we move forward and strive to be a leader in animal welfare.
Montgomery County SPCA Shelter Policies & Information

The SPCA Shelter Policies and Information are created with Adobe Acrobat® and are in PDF format. They require an Acrobat reader, click here to download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat reader. For further information on any of the topics discussed in these policies please call the SPCA, at (610) 825-0111.
Shelter Policies
- Temporary Animals Surrender Policies
- Adoption Policy
- Animal Intake Policy
- Application Policy
- Foster Caregiver Program
- Reporting Lost or Found Animals Policy
- Return to Owner Policy
- Stray Animal Policy (Lost Pets)
- Why Isn’t The Montgomery County SPCA A “No-Kill” Shelter
- Whistleblower Policy
- Conflict of Interest Policy
MCSPCA Information
- Auditors Report - 2020
- Auditors Report - 2021
- Auditors Report - 2022
- Auditors Report - 2023
- IRS 990 - 2020
- IRS 990 - 2021
- IRS 990 - 2022
- IRS 990 - 2023
- Intake and Adoption - 2021
- Intake and Adoption - 2022
- Intake and Adoption - 2023
- Document Destruction Policy
- Policy for Determining Executive Director Compensation
- SPCA Board of Directors